Caprover settings

Hi, I’m using Caprover as a docker maintainer. There is multiple apps available as "one-click install option, but not AppFlowy at the moment.

There is a pattern to follow to create a yml file

1- Add captainVersion: 4 to the very top of the yaml file.
2 - Add this section to the end of the yaml file:

- id: ‘$$cap_myapp_version’
label: Awesome App Version
defaultValue: ‘1.2.3’
description: Check out their Docker page for the valid tags
validRegex: ‘/.{1,}/’
start: |-
A description that will be displayed to the user when they
are installing one click app!
It can be multiline and contain more details and probably special
hardware requirements!
end: |-
A summary when the app is deployed!
It can be multiline.

        It can also include the dynamic parameters such as
        $$cap_appname and $$cap_other_random_char
displayName: The Awesome App
isOfficial: true ## Only if all images used here are official or from a trusted source.
description: A relatively short description, less than 200 characters.
documentation: This docker-compose is taken from

You could refer to this page to see more: GitHub - caprover/one-click-apps: Community Maintained One Click Apps (

Does anyone with more skills than me could manage to setup an yml file with those settings and AppFlowy ones ?

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Most of the technical community assistance could be find on slack

Indeed, I’m just a newby user, can’t help you. But as soon as you have a solution, I’m interested by :wink: